Case Study and Care Plan Assignment Paper

The elderly are more susceptible to a wide range of chronic health issues than the younger generations. Diabetes is diagnosed in the majority of adults over the age of 65 in the United States. A considerable percentage of individuals are burdened by a diabetic ulcer, which is a common occurrence. Because of their low socioeconomic condition, this health problem is particularly prevalent among the African American community in the United States. Approximately 80% of those who fall into this category are overweight, and obesity is a significant risk factor for type 2 diabetes and, eventually, diabetes problems, such as diabetic foot ulcers, as well. As a result, this group is unable to access high-quality healthcare. Poverty, poorer educational achievement, and inequities in healthcare access are linked to weak socioeconomic standing. This paper seeks to discuss one client from the African-American community and design a comprehensive care plan to handle the client’s health status while recognizing the significance of telehealth in attaining better health outcomes Case Study and Care Plan Assignment Paper.


Case Study

S.J, a 68-year-old African-American male client, was brought to the facility by his daughter. The client’s chief complaint was foot ulcers. According to the client, he has been dealing with type 2 diabetes mellitus for the last 2 decades. He has a body mass index of 29, which indicates that he is obese. He is well conscious of the prospect of his foot getting amputated, which puts his life in jeopardy since this diabetes problem is connected with a high death rate. He is a father of two children who he has successfully brought up in a religious environment. His wife died away around 7 years ago, leaving him with the responsibility of raising their children from his mechanic business. He is utilizing Medicaid services to offset the expenses of his treatments, but he has claimed that it is getting more difficult since the vast majority of doctors do not acknowledge his insurance. As a result, he has found it more difficult to finance healthcare services Psychiatric Evaluation and Evidence-Based Rating Scales Essay Paper.

Holistic Care Plan

Rather than just treating the physical necessities of the client, a holistic approach to healthcare takes into account the person as a whole. This care strategy considers the client’s emotional, physiological, spiritual, and mental requirements, all of which have an influence on the patient’s general wellness. In addition, it helps the client to retain a good mentality when treating diabetes complications, which is especially important if the patient has acquired diabetic foot ulcers (Valizadeh et al., 2017). A holistic approach to diabetes treatment emphasizes nutritional and dietary adjustments, stress reduction, physical activity, weight reduction, and calming strategies. Education of the client on the problem and available treatment alternatives will, as a result, improve his spiritual and mental well-being. However, in regards to the treatment of diabetic ulcers and physical wellbeing, the problem is incredibly challenging, necessitating the collaboration of interdisciplinary teams in order to obtain optimum patient outcomes (Lindarto, 2018). The client and his family members will be informed of the preventative steps that they may undertake to reduce the recurrence of ulcers and other diabetes problems. In addition, the client will be advised to comply with prescription medicines and engage in communal diabetes management initiatives, which will assist him in achieving improved health results and reducing the likelihood of developing diabetes-related complications (Lindarto, 2018). Aromatherapy is among the psychological and alternative treatments that may be used to help with diabetes control. It helps to prevent the problems of diabetes complications such as skin breakdown as well as to relieve distress and to improve the mental and spiritual health of the patient Case Study and Care Plan Assignment Paper.

Impact of Telehealth on Care Delivery

            Telehealth technology has the potential to be integrated into a comprehensive care plan. It has been demonstrated to be useful in evaluating and monitoring the state of diabetic foot ulcers, as well as mental and physical wellbeing. Telehealth is also recognized to be successful in the detection and care of diabetic ulcers, both in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Also notable is its contribution to diabetes education, particularly for those who are at risk of developing diabetic complications in the future. Its goal is to increase the efficacy with which diabetes individuals are cared for and assessed in terms of their care necessities. As such, this technology enhances the independence and wellness of patients in a society where the socioeconomic stance on healthcare is changing dramatically (Hanlon et al., 2017). A wide range of foot ulcers treatment components has been incorporated into telehealth, especially for individuals who cannot afford medical procedures such as skin thermography, foot imaging devices, or video conference to communicate with a foot specialist. To maximize the likelihood of a client completing their treatment successfully, a telehealth specialist will assist them in overcoming mental stress and concomitant problems (Hanlon et al., 2017) Case Study and Care Plan Assignment Paper.


A large proportion of low-income persons, such as African-Americans, cannot access essential services that are necessary for the care and care of diabetes. As a result of this issue, a number of factors that can cause diabetes is increased. Patient participation in their treatment plan is more likely to occur if they have received sufficient education and are treated holistically. It is hoped that the advent of technology and applications would assist individuals in this population in obtaining the knowledge and care they need to manage their diabetes and lower the likelihood of developing diabetic problems. Telehealth services will make it worthwhile for people to receive crucial healthcare treatments remotely via the use of the Internet. Adequate teaching and prompt evaluation of health issues will lower the risk of death and hospital admissions and improve the overall wellness of the population, resulting in improved healthcare outcomes Psychiatric Evaluation and Evidence-Based Rating Scales Essay Paper.


Hanlon, P., Daines, L., Campbell, C., McKinstry, B., Weller, D., & Pinnock, H. (2017). Telehealth interventions to support self-management of long-term conditions: A systematic Metareview of diabetes, heart failure, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cancer. Journal of Medical Internet Research19(5), e172.

Lindarto, D. (2018, March). Holistic management of diabetic foot. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 125, No. 1, p. 012162). IOP Publishing.

Valizadeh, L., Jasemi, M., Zamanzadeh, V., & Keogh, B. (2017). A concept analysis of holistic care by hybrid model. Indian Journal of Palliative Care23(1), 71.


Apply what you have learned about Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, and demonstrate the ability to develop a holistic plan of care, incorporating Telehealth and defining assessment and intervention of specific population incorporating unique attributes of populations for health promotion, wellness preservation, and maintenance of function across the health-illness continuum. Develop a case study and a plan of care, incorporating current mobile App technology: Select a population. Define your population by gender, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, spiritual need, and healthcare need. Apply concepts learned in course to identify healthcare needs specific to the population and access to care (Utilize your textbook Chapters 1-25, and identified Websites). Also use at least two references within the five years. Develop a case study for a patient in your chosen population. Define a provider level of care that includes telehealth, alternative therapies, and mobile App technology discussed in this class. Describe how telehealth could impact the care delivery of this patient. Hint: Concise, condensed information, with specifics and details about population and unique needs with a plan for meeting these needs should be considered. Incorporate the content you have learned in this course. Expectations Due: Monday, 11:59 pm PT Length: 3 pages not including the title page and references page Format: APA, 7th edition format is to be observed (12 pt., 1” margins, Times New Roman) Research: Two references within the last five years Case Study and Care Plan Assignment Paper